Through the Olympos Framework it is possible to carry out a light assessment to measure the level of maturity of the information security management system and to define the necessary mitigation actions.

Through the Olympos Framework it is possible to carry out a light assessment to measure the level of maturity of the information security management system and to define the necessary mitigation actions.

The assessment is based on 4 macro-areas (including 40 control areas):

  • how to implement security

  • management and protection of personal data – including personal data (in accordance with the GDPR)

  • management of relations with its suppliers

  • predisposition of the organization to cyber resilience

The Framework was conceived and created by Olympos on the basis of its experience with leading national entities in the public and private sectors, using the ISO , NIST , CSA , enisa , BCI standards and European regulations such as the GDPR as a reference.

The outcome of the assessment is reported in the document with the mapping of the level of maturity by control area, accompanied by a summary dashboard and a summary of the proposed improvement actions classified by criticality and treatment priority.

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